Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Ever Camping Trip

Ryker wasn't sure what camping was all about but he sure couldn't stop talking about going. He must have known he'd love it! So much so that mom and dad are thinking about buying a camper and taking up a new hobby...we'll see. Ryker loved being outside until dark, didn't mind the lake water too much and especially liked throwing rocks into the water. When it was time to pack up and leave he kept saying, "go gain". He was ready to try camping out again.

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Lil' Mohawk Man

Daddy decided at 10pm the other night that Ryker needed a new look. The end result was a bit messy and had to be fixed by the professionals, but we all think it fits Ryker's personality perfectly!

Miss Hadleigh's temporary color made it look like a couple rock stars lived at our house.

Of course, Ryker wouldn't be Ryker without the dirt on his face.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

No Blankies or Bears

Ryker can't even think sleep until he is cuddled up with his favorite motorcycle or truck. He sure makes his daddy proud.

Summer Treats

Umm,umm Good! Ryker loves his watermelon. As long as you keep it coming he'll keep on eating it. This most recent treat was enjoyed at his Great Uncle Mike's near Chillicothe, MO.